Monday, June 4, 2007

Welcome to Northwest Louisiana Politics!

Good evening and welcome to the first post on the all new Northwest Louisiana Politics. I originally ran the Louisiana 4th blog, but after that race ended I took some time off to consider exactly what I wanted to cover. LA-4th covered the race for the U.S. Congressional seat and, by extension, Jim McCrery. I wanted to expand the subjects that I covered, so I extended it to allow for more coverage of other political news in the area, and not just the U.S. House. This way I can cover the upcoming governor elections, state wide elections, basically anything my little heart desires. So welcome to the new Northwest Louisiana Politics blog, and I hope you introduce yourself! Feel free to comment and participate in discussions and I hope you might even learn a little bit here.

1 comment:

Dan Tierney Smith said...

Welcome to the community. Things are in the works, but I've joined the Cenlamar (dot wordpress) blogging team recently and am really looking forward to this political season. I'm glad to know there's going to be an active blog up the interstate from us in alexandria.