Monday, June 11, 2007

Gonzales No Confidence Vote Fails

It seems that only one of our U.S. Senators from Louisiana favors the rule of law, that believes in the idea that we need to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. Thank you Mary Landrieu for voting aye on cloture, so that the Senate could vote on the no confidence in Alberto Gonzales legislation.

Sadly, S.J. 14 failed by a vote of 53-38, with one Senator voting present.

David Vitter voted no. Glad to know what he thinks of our Constitution and our laws. In this day and age, and coming from a state that has brought the country the likes of William Jefferson, Vitter should be jumping up and down on tables attempting to preserve the law. But no, Vitter voted along party lines to deny us a vote of no confidence for Alberto Gonzales.

There are many, many reasons why Gonzales needs to go. There were the firings of U.S. prosecutors for a purely political purpose. Our Department of Justice and the United States prosecutors are supposed to be politically neutral, for lack of a better term at the moment. They are supposed to be neither Democratic nor Republican, yet Gonzales made a political litmus test a requirement for them to stay. Firings, resignations, and other scandals have shook the Department of Justice to the very core, and Gonzales oversaw it all, with approval. Gonzales needs to go. He is not fit to serve as our Attorney General.

David Vitter, today I am ashamed of you, ashamed that you are a Senator from my great state of Louisiana. You were elected to one of the highest offices of the land and you should be one of the loudest voices in favor of the law, of our Constitution, yet you vote no on this bill. Sir, have you no sense of decency?

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